3 Easy Ways To Incorporate Chia Seeds Into Your Lunches At Work

Chia seeds are one of the great super foods. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber and protein, chia seeds are good and good for you. If you're looking for an easy way to incorporate more protein into your lunches at work, chia seeds can be useful, however, they're not a standard ingredient in many lunch recipes. These 3 tips will help you include chia seeds into your weekly lunches. [Read More]

Expanding Your Palate: 3 Amazing African Ingredients You Have To Try

Americans are developing a more and more refined palate, with a recent study showing that 64% of consumers are much more adventurous in their choice of cuisine when dining out. It's hard to replicate a lot of tastes and flavors at home. In particular, you may have a hard time finding African restaurants locally, and not all restaurants may have the herbs and spices needed to completely replicate the flavors found in traditional African dishes. [Read More]

Choosing The Right Lining For Your Copper Cookware

Copper is the metal of choice for professional and amateur chefs alike, and it is not hard to see why. Copper is antibacterial and a highly efficient conductor, meaning it distributes energy quickly. When used as cookware, it heats up faster than any metal other than silver and cooks food evenly, reducing the risk of burning and allowing a degree of precision no other pots and pans can offer. This metal does, however, react with food, and so the interior of most copper cookware is lined with tin, stainless steel and more recently ceramic. [Read More]

Two Tips To Help You Spot An Authentic Mexican Restaurant

When you're in the mood for some delicious Mexican cuisine, only the authentic variety will do.  With so many different Mexican restaurants on the scene, and each boasting about the flavors of their fare, it can be hard to distinguish an authentic Mexican restaurant from an impostor.  Rather than run the risk of disappointing your taste buds, use this information to learn more about how to spot an authentic Mexican restaurant. [Read More]